This is especially true of tags, which are the often-overlooked groups of words that are strategically placed near company logos to advertise the unique value and benefits of the brand.
Most of us are conditioned to associate logos with products or services companies offer to keep their brands resonant in the minds of customers and potential customers.
As CEOs of "ME, Inc." company, they become responsible for all the functions performed by the actual CEOs (such as research and development, sales and marketing, public relations, finance, legal affairs, etc.)
As more and more professionals discover the value of managing their career as a business, the need for high-impact personal branding has become a necessity rather than a luxury. Judicious use of meta tags can be an effective tool to help professionals at ME, Inc. On advertising their unique value to the business.
Good things come in small packages. This is especially true of tags, which are the often-overlooked groups of words that are strategically placed near company logos to advertise the unique value and benefits of the brand. As such, meta lines contain what Eric Swartz ("Tagline Guru") calls "screen marquee value".
Taglines have been around since companies started using ads to generate sales. Over the years, some have actually become more memorable, for example Morton Salt ("When it rains, it pours"), Hallmark Cards ("When you care enough to send the best") and American Express ("Don't leave home without it").
In the world of marketing, branding, and advertising, meta lines often get a bad reputation. This is because developing a "winner" logo is an extraordinarily tedious task; It should convey the essence of the brand in a strong and succinct way without being obscure, pretentious or overly fashionable. Copywriters often spend long, boring hours thinking about the perfect logo.
And while the graphics team can mistake a subtle shade of lavender for a brand logo and still offer strong visual appeal, copywriters don't have a similar margin of error. Either they attach the indisputable winning slogan to the thunderous applause of a crowd of approving crowd - or they give it an indescribably quiet burial. The mediocre descriptive phrases—and some even better than average—never ever see the light of day.
Taglines for people?
Well, now for that development.
Most of us are conditioned to associate logos with products or services companies offer to keep their brands resonant in the minds of customers and potential customers. But a growing number of professionals - especially those in transition - are embracing the 21st century model of managing their careers like a business. As CEOs of "ME, Inc." company, they become responsible for all the functions performed by the actual CEOs (such as research and development, sales and marketing, public relations, finance, legal affairs, etc.) market .
Is it unlikely to think of someone branding themselves with a clever and succinct logo? not at all. Most ME, Inc. Business owners can benefit greatly from creating a truly memorable logo after their name - both electronically and in print - wherever it appears. If a logo succeeds in capturing an individual's unique brand promise, the consistent use of the phrase becomes a mantra that reinforces the promise in an exceptionally powerful and innovative way.
Some illustrations
It's easy to write about an idea like "ME, Inc. taglines" or "vanity taglines," but it's another task entirely to develop enough plausible examples to illustrate the message.
The examples below introduce the concept of personal logos. If you understand the basic idea, find a copywriter to help craft your message for realistic brand quality. Since the examples below are for illustrative purposes only, they should only be considered the brand's fiction, not the logo development standards of excellence.
graphic designer
Graphic agile, creative agile
Huge images... unbeatable value
A complete set of ideas and solutions
Visual translation of your most complex ideas
We nominate your final score!
tax accounting
In tax time, count on us.
Find an error in our calculations and we will pay your fee!
We raise taxes so you can relax.
think positively. Think about repayment.
forensic medicine
We will reveal evidence of poor employee performance.
Our solutions outline your biggest problems.
We put our fingerprints, fingerprints and DNA to the test every day!
You found the idea.
It is performed with extreme caution
While the idea of a personal logo might sound like a good idea, it would be wise to discuss your ideas and examples with a branding professional before committing to publishing. If you fail to understand the unique essence of your business in an engaging, succinct, and impactful way, you could easily head for brand disaster at scale.
The reason for this should be obvious by now: there is a real language obstacle course and semantic pitfalls just waiting to sabotage your best efforts to create the perfect personal logo. The fact that the logo has to speak for you when you are unable to do so makes it even more dangerous. Whatever you do, be sure to consult a branding expert who also has a proficient understanding of the language to increase your chances of success.
What's in it for me, INC.?
As the employer of ME, Inc. You have an obligation to brand yourself, realizing that if you fail to do so, others will inevitably do it for you—and their perceptions may be much lower than yours.
You say you're an ambitious event planner but haven't been able to land your dream position? If you sign "Your Name Is Really Mary Smith," you've accomplished the basics of closing your letter, but you've missed out on a great opportunity to differentiate yourself from the other 829,000 people who have applied for the same position.
Conversely, what if your conclusion went like this: "Really, Mary Smith, you: event planners to make all your moments memorable" - do you think this might get a little extra attention? Or maybe just a little curious to know more?
Let's put it this way: In an age of a growing need to stand out boldly from your competition, a smartly developed and well-thought-out personal logo can vividly promote your ME, Inc. CEO's business. As the global market grows larger and more complex every day, pursuing every possible opportunity to differentiate yourself from the masses is critical to the survival of your business.
A personal logo might just be the answer.
While the idea of a personal logo might sound like a good idea, it would be wise to discuss your ideas and examples with a branding professional before committing to publishing. If you sign Your Name Is Really Mary Smith, you've accomplished the basics of closing your letter, but you've missed out on a great opportunity to differentiate yourself from the other 829,000 people who have applied for the same position. Let's put it this way: In an age of a growing need to stand out boldly from your competition, a smartly developed and well-thought-out personal logo can vividly promote your ME, Inc.